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Fibers for Dummies


What are the fibers?

The fibers are a form of carbohydrates which is essential to the proper functioning of the intestinal transit and has the distinction of not being absorbed by our intestine . We do not “eat” them properly: our body uses them and then rejects them by the fecal route.

Tips for healthy diet

The different types of dietary fiber

Fibers can be classified into two categories:  soluble and insoluble.

# 1 Soluble fiber

As the name suggests, they are soluble in water . They are present in fruits, vegetables, rice, carrots or oats, and have the ability to form a viscous gel in contact with water, which slows the transit . These are, in particular, recommended in cases of diarrhea .

Because they cause a smaller insulin spike, they help control blood cholesterol levels and maintain stable sugar levels in people with diabetes. They also have a appetite for food effect more important (one feels satiated longer).

# 2 Insoluble fiber

As its name suggests, they are not soluble in water, but they have the capacity to gorge themselves with water and increase in size (they swell) which helps  maintain the hydration of the colon and increase the stool volume . For this, they are recommended rather in the context of constipation . Indeed, because their main function is to clean the walls of the intestine, facilitate transit and prevent constipation .

They are mostly present in whole grains, pulses, and some fruits and vegetables such as: apples, prunes, figs or leeks.

Tips for healthy diet


How much fiber to eat per day?

On average, it is recommended for an adult to consume 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day, which is unfortunately far less than what we tend to consume.

Further tips or guidlines you can see  here:

7 tips to add more fibre on your diet





About the author

Mehwish Noreen

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