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TagHealth & fitness

5 fruits and vegetables that you should always buy bio


Do your shopping carefully It’s officially summer, which means it’s the best time to go to your local market and buy fruits and vegetables. Be careful though: not all products are equal. While many non-organic products can be consumed without fear, some of them have a large amount of pesticides. According to the Environmental Working Group , here are the top 5 types of summer products...

Another incredible reason to eat more green vegetables


Discover how chlorophyll can benefit your health Chlorophyll, the pigment that gives plants and algae their green color, is the last super-food to add color to a juice bar . It is becoming more popular for its range of health benefits. Chlorophyll is linked to cancer prevention because it can attack potential carcinogens and prevent them from circulating through the body, says Sonya Angel one...

The good anti stress sport for me


The good anti-stress sport? Not easy to find! You have already tried several, but not the one that really suits you? Your profile  What I know about me:  Stress, anguish, tension, you can not channel the pressure of external events and your daily life is affected: insomnia, psychosomatic diseases, sweating, muscle contractions … Stress, immediate response to a unexpected situation, can be...

5 outdoor activities to boost your metabolism and calm your mind


Stop counting repetitions and reduce your stress this summer by dragging yourself out Whether you’re out hiking in the forest alone or doing fitness with friends , leave your heels aside and dive into the wilderness to keep fit and thinner under the sun.These five outdoor activities will surely help you refresh your routine with Mother Nature testing your strength, stamina, fears and...

9 yoga moves to be fit


Add these powerful poses to your yoga exercises to burn a lot of calories and hit some Asana Yoga offers the opportunity to focus on the intrinsic need of your body to slow down and move in a more harmonious way. Even your yoga practice may need to be multitasking and juggle the need to calm your mind and strengthen you. That’s why Sadie Nardini, a yoga teacher and author of 21-Day Yoga...

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