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Vices and virtues of connected objects in the service of health


Applications and other electronic devices challenge the traditional health care system, explains Nicolas Bourdillon, researcher at Unil and head of research and development at start-up Be care SA. It will be held from January 8 to 11 at CES Las Vegas, a convention dedicated to technology, which for the first time welcomes a Swiss pavilion. Chest belt showing you how tired you are, watch your...

Can brain stimulation boost athletic performance?


To obtain more from the body, some hope to be able to act one day on the brain to disconnect the protective mechanisms. In an attempt to gain a few watts or minutes, some athletes and coaches are now turning to neuroscience. Recently, the manager of a cycling team spoke of his interest in neuromodulation, the main advantage of which would be to prevent the brain from “letting go”...

In India, playing badminton can pay big money


Among the ten best-paid sports in the world are eight tennis players, a car driver and an Indian badminton specialist. Her silver medal at the 2016 Olympics made her an icon in her country. Pusarla Venkata Sindhu is a star in India, but she is neither a cricket icon nor a Bollywood actress. She practices badminton. And rather well. Number three worldwide, she is one of the favorites of the French...

When athletes train their brains


The market for devices to improve the cognitive abilities of athletes is expanding. Switzerland is full of innovations in the field. “Domestically” reflexes, make decisions faster, better focus and manage stress … More and more technologies are designed for athletes to train their cognitive skills. Several were in the spotlight in Ticino, at the end of January, during the event...

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